Kathmandu to Kalinchowk Bus/Van ticket price.

Could you let us know which option would be convenient for Kathmandu to Kalinchowk trip?
We have 10-passengers including a 6 years old.
We plan to trip Kalinchowk in mid of January. Because I was told that the in order to get snowy landscape, early December and January are not recommended.
The month of Magh should be the best option.



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In response to your inquiry regarding the most convenient transportation option for a trip from Kathmandu to Kalinchowk, considering your group of 10 passengers, including a 6-year-old, I recommend a meticulous evaluation of the available modes of transportation.

Your planned journey in mid-January aligns with the advised period for experiencing the snowy landscape, as early December and January are generally considered less optimal due to challenging weather conditions.

Having recently completed a motorbike trip to Kalinchowk, I can attest that the road up to Charikot is exceptionally well-maintained with a blacktop surface, standing out as one of the best roads I have encountered. While a bus is a feasible option, it's crucial to note that the road condition deteriorates when traveling from Charikot to Kuri village, the gateway to the Kalinchowk trip. Therefore, for this segment of the journey (approximately 15-20km), I highly recommend opting for a four-wheel jeep rather than a bus.

During our bike journey, we encountered challenges due to the under-construction nature of the road, especially the 30% that is yet to be blacktopped. The high altitude also posed difficulties, requiring us to push the bike to reach Kuri village. Consequently, I strongly advise against choosing a bus for this part of the route.

Regarding the ideal time for your trip, it is advisable to plan towards the end of February when the winter season is concluding, minimizing the risk of encountering adverse weather conditions such as snow.

I hope this detailed information proves helpful in making an informed decision for your Kalinchowk trip. Should you have any further queries or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach out.

Alternatively, you can take a bus up to Charikot and then proceed with a jeep from Charikot to Kuri village. For your convenience, I have provided a cost breakdown for the trip:

- Scorpio rental from Kathmandu to Kalinchowk trip (2 Days, 1 Night, including driver, food, accommodations, and all associated costs): Approximately 30,000rs.
- Hotel accommodation cost starts from 1500rs in the package, including breakfast (toast, one egg, soup, and tea) and dinner (Nepali thali, veg/non-veg options available), along with bed.

If you are looking for zeep or bus rental for kalinchowk trip.
Feel free to contact us at +9779843360610

For a visual glimpse of the trip, I have attached some pictures.

Thank you,



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Here are few pictures from Recent kalinchowk trip